
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Photo: Train Bridge

Taking pictures in winter is honestly the worst.  Either you wear gloves which doesn't allow you to use your camera properly or you don't wear gloves and freeze your hands off.  Saskatchewan winters make it easy to complain.  But on those seemingly rare days where the sun makes an appearance, you have to take advantage and get outside.

This shot was taken on top of the train bridge which is almost on top of the weir (which you can see on the right side).  Heights are not my favourite thing in the world but the view from up there is pretty great.  For the number of times I've gone up the train bridge, I've never been able to experience a train actually using it at the same time.  I have friends from out of town who have shared the bridge with a train many times and say its a pretty terrifying experience.  I also have friends who enjoyed throwing flaming garbage cans, TVs and whatnot off the train bridge when they were in high school.... Needless to say this photo is pretty bleak in comparison but if you have some good stories from this Saskatoon landmark, throw us a comment!


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